24 hour Shooting Marathon

Help the Celtics carry on Addy's legacy by raising funds to build a court in her honour 🏀🎗

We have set up a crowd funding site where you can support this amazing cause and help motivate and encourage Addy's teammates while they put themselves through this intense marathon.

On September 28, 2024 at 7am until September 29, 2024 at 7am Addy's Team will be shooting non-stop @movecentrewellington Training facility!

Addy's teammates are challenging the rest of the CW Celtics family to participate too! Get your team to do their own marathon! 50% of the funds you raise will go towards basketball courts, while the other 50% will go directly to your team! Help us lower the cost for children to play basketball!

Donate and find more information here:


Contact: to create your own shooting marathon team!